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Welcome to Vancouver.

We're home to VATSIM's most modern training program, some of the best instructors around and a great controlling environment. Interested in joining? We're happy to help out.

Step 1 – Join VATSIM

  1. If you are currently not a member of VATSIM then you can sign up for an account at the VATSIM Registration Page. Ensure that you read all of the pages and instructions carefully.
  2. Under the preferred region field select the Americas region and the Canada division.
  3. After you complete your registration you receive an ID and password from VATSIM via email. When you have these two items, continue to step two.

Step 2 – Join VATCAN & Complete your S1 Exam

  1. You will need to join the VATCAN division. If you have not already joined, or skipped some steps from Step 1, click the following link to set your region: https://cert.vatsim.net/vatsimnet/regch.php. You may proceed to step 5 if you are already a part of VATCAN.
  2. You will now get your choice to select a region and division to join. To join VATCAN select Americas as your region.
  3. In the select a division drop down box, select Canada.
  4. Press Continue to set your selection.
  5. Follow the steps on https://vatcan.ca/How-to-Become-a-Controller (if you already have your S1 (or higher) rating, you may skip step 2 on this page.)

Step 3 – Join the Vancouver FIR

  1. Login into VATCAN using your VATSIM CID and password.
  2. Click on My VATCAN, then on Transfer Request.
  3. In the New FIR drop-down, select Vancouver FIR.
  4. Fill in your reasoning, and hit Submit.
  5. Your transfer will be reviewed by our FIR staff within 1-2 weeks.

NOTE: Vancouver is currently busy with a home controller wait list - this may result in lengthy delays for visiting controllers awaiting training. Controllers will be contacted with updates when available. Thank you for your patience.

Vancouver is always looking for controllers to visit our FIR. Whether it's for a change of scenery, to learn a new way of controlling, or just for fun, come visit Vancouver!

Members who are interested in visiting are now asked to visit the VATCAN.ca website to apply for visiting status.

Apply Now!

View our estimated wait time and more.

Questions? Contact our Chief Instructor!